The best dog traineer in town, Liz assures she can train your dog to be the best pal you can have, as she has her own pack of "wolfs"... Better known as her dogs, her beloveds even.


Height: One Hundred Seventy Five CM

Weight: Light-Weight

Fighting Style: The most similar to a puppet character you can get, Liz commands her dogs like a little army of furry soldiers.



She finds Mikey cute, and has noticed he has some interest as well, but she wants to give him the space to reach out himself, as he appears a little anxious all of the time. (she's completely oblivious to the dogs scaring Mikey)

She really likes the sun, and working out.

A lot of her money goes to taking care of dogs, and works with Andrew to help animals in general get a better life in town... Not that they live exactly bad, they just think they deserve THE ABSOLUTE BEST!