The Zookeeper of the town! Well known and well loved, Andrew is a happy go lucky guy that loves animals, and has an almost unnatural connection with them, some people think he can straight up communicate with them, but he just understand them that well!
Height: One Hundred Sixty Seven CM
Weight: Light-Weight
Fighting Style: He actually doesn't fight, most of the time he's looking for animals that escaped the Zoo and they accidentally attack his Opponents, he's a little oblivious... He straight up thinks the attacks he receives are from the rebellius animals!
Andrew is dating the guy in the Bearsuit... Ezra? yeah that dude, they are dating.
He's really agile, if he used a monkey suit he could absolutely be confused with one.
He tries to get Francis out of the aquarium section almost daily, Francis swears he's one with the fishes... Andrew is not convinced yet.