How to make a character for Tawtt?

To make a character on Tawtt, you need to do some simple steps so the character fits well on the universe of Tawtt!

First of all, you need a character!

You can create a character specifically for Tawtt, or adapt a character that you already have to Tawtt

This character must follow some simple rules to get perfectly adapted:

Those are all the rules!

Just try to stay "realistic" with their outfits and characteristics, that doesn't mean that they can't have flashy styles, it's more like "give them an outfit that's possible to buy"

Here is an example of some fantasy looking characters getting adapted to Tawtt! they appear more "realistic" while staying interesting!

now that we have the character, we need to give them or exagerate traits to make them more similar to the Tawtt roster

A Tawtt character is always represented by a hobby, a job or an occupation, So you must choose a thing about that character and make them revolve more around it design wise, make clear what's that character hobby, job or occupation.

After that, you can choose to make them a "fighter" or just a person that lives in town, this helps you decide if you want to give them a moveset or not!

Tawtt characters don't need to be fighters, but part of the fun in Tawtt is making fighting game inspired characters, so it's recommended if you want to have the full Tawtt creating experience!

When you make your character a "fighter", you have to create their fighting style! and if you want, you can give them a moveset or moveset ideas!

Their fighting style can be a representation of their personality, their work, or both! It can represent their work only visually or be related to the work they do, you are fully free to do whatever you want!

Even if your character doesn't represent their "trait" perfectly, don't feel discouraged to show them! they can be kinda normal and still be accepted as a Tawtt extra, everything except for the rules at the start, are just recommendations to make your characters more "Tawtt" like, just have fun with it!

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